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TCEQ 3rd Quarter Violation Notice

The CANYON PARK WSC water system PWS ID 1870034 has violated the monitoring/reporting requirements set by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC) Section 290, Subchapter F. Public water systems are required to properly disinfect water before distribution, maintain acceptable disinfection residuals within the distribution system, monitor the disinfectant at various locations throughout the distribution system, and report the result of that monitoring to the TCEQ on a quarterly basis.


Results of regular monitoring are an indication of whether or not your drinking water is safe from microbial contamination.


This violation occurred in the monitoring period 3rd quarter 2022.


We are taking the following actions to address this issue:


1) Our water contractor will continue monitoring the disinfectant levels, on a daily basis, as has been in the past.


2) Our water contractor will populate, sign and provide the completed quarterly Disinfectant Level Quarterly Operating Report (DLQOR) to the water office prior to sending the report to



3) The monitoring report will be provided to the TCEQ via registered mail/signation receipt to ensure credit for submitting the quarterly report.


CANYON PARK WSC is expected to be in compliance with the 2022 fourth (4th) quarterly reporting period.


Please share this information with all people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly. You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or email.


If you have questions regarding this matter, you can contact the water office at 936-646-3529.


Posted/Delivered on December 19th, 2022